Transfer to HTW Berlin

Transfer to HTW Berlin

You would like to change to our degree programme?

As a rule, our degree programme is fully occupied, but individual places that become free can be given to students who want to change.

The condition for this is a renewed aptitude test, for which you take part in the regular aptitude test, which takes place twice a year. If you are successful, your previous performance will be examined in a separate procedure and, if necessary, credited. Please note that due to the very different curricula from school to school, it is very unlikely that you will be able to transfer seamlessly to the same semester as at your previous school. As a rule, you will be placed in a slightly lower semester.

We can only process a very limited number of transfer requests outside our half-yearly rotation. Please be aware that the procedure has a long lead time and that we receive many requests.

Since we receive countless enquiries, we cannot answer every email immediately. Please check the relevant HTW Berlin websites first.